supreme solar

Price: include’s, tax, transportation and installation, Excluding: all kinds of Plumbing, electrical or masonary works. Charges extra: on Electric coil & on Credit Card Payments.

22% Off

Supreme Solar 270 SSGL

Original price was: ₹45,000.00.Current price is: ₹35,000.00.

Call: 9632417722


    • 20 Years Guarantee for Tank,
    • Stainless Steel Outer Cladding for tank,
    • Glass Lined Inner tank,
    • Suitable for Hard Water up-to 1300 TDS,
    • Maintenance free,
    • High Efficiency,
    • Air vent system to provide max water pressure,
    • Budget friendly solar water heater.
    • Caution: Not to use Pressure/booster Pump or High pressure water for this model

Keep In Mind Before Buying: 

      • Read Measurement PDF for Space availablity on roof,
      • This product must be used with airvent pipe (do not use pressure or air relif valves)
      • The Storagetank/ over head Syntax tank must be placed least minimum 6 feet higher and not more than 7 feet,
      • Buy Pressurized system if water pressure is high or if you use booster / Pressure pump.

Availability: 10 in stock

INCLUDING: Tax, Transportation & Installation.
EXCLUDING: Plumbing, Electrical, grouting, masonry works. 
Lifting charges: 500 LPD and above or for All models above 3 floors.
Credit Card Payment: Convenience Charges Extra,
No Guarantee: for Glass tubes, Glass panels, pressure relief valve, air relief vales

Measurement PDF
ETC Catalouge PDF
FPC Catalouge PDF


Credit Card & UPI accepted

Customers other than Bangalore and Mysore, Please fill the form, we will get in touch with you.

Supreme Solar 270 SSGL Water Heater

Supreme Solar 270 SSGL Water Heater, The life of this solar water is much higher than other technology available, Hence the Glass line solar water heaters are much reliable in harsh hard water areas. Supreme SOlar 270 ltr price is among the best in the market.

Supreme solar 270 ltr price in Bangalore

available with Glass line is a special coating which prevents rusting of tanks due to harsh hard water conditions.  We at supreme solar also manufacture solar tanks with powder coated outer body with white color finish.
what is Glassline Coating? Click here

Supreme Solar for Hard Water

supreme solar water heater 270 ltr price or supreme solar 270 ltr rate

The most important characteristic of porcelain enamel, from an industrial perspective, is its resistance to corrosion.[3] Mild steel is used in almost every industry and a huge array of products; porcelain enamel is a very economic way of protecting this, and other chemically vulnerable materials, from corrosion. It can also produce very smooth, glossy finishes in a wide array of colours; these colours will not fade on exposure to UV light, as paint will. supreme solar 270 ltr rate Being a fired ceramic, porcelain enamel is also highly heat-resistant; this allows it to be used in high-temperature applications where an organic anti-corrosion coating or galvanization may be impractical or even dangerous (see Metal fume fever).[3]

Porcelain enamel also sees less frequent employment of some of its other properties; examples are its abrasion resistance, where it may perform better than many metals; its resistance to organic solvents, where it is entirely impervious; its resistance to thermal shock, where it can resist rapid cooling from temperatures 500°C and higher; and its longevity.[3]



Variants Available

Tank Guarantee Options

Heavy+ -20 Years Guarantee


Supreme Solar

Supreme Solar Products built aesthetically to suite your home and adorable colors and design.  The solar Galsslined inner tanks with Copper Thermal panels or ETC tubes are perfectly positioned to give an appealing look on top of the terrace and also very efficient. Supreme Solar Water Heaters are eco-friendly, low on maintenance, easy to install, durable for a lifetime, and highly energy-efficient, the solar water heaters save over 70% of electricity bills. As renewable energy is the only sustainable option left for the future, solar water heaters and their associated technologies are the only options available to secure the future. Every day in the morning activities range over many aspects, the most important one is the bathing activity of the entire family. Every family member will have a hot water bath to begin their day; this is a natural phenomenon across India and the globe. Mornings should preferably be pleasant and smooth, with reliable solar water heaters, mornings invariably become pleasant and relaxing. Supreme with its state-of-the-art and modern technology builds some of the best and most reliable solar water heaters, these heaters make every sun ray count and relentlessly provide hot running water. Solar Water Heaters come with ISO certification and they are built using the latest and best available technologies from the industry.
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Vacuum Tube outer diameter: 58 mm

Vacuum Tube inner diameter: 47 mm

Tube length: 2100 mm

Outer Tank Diameter: 480 mm

Inner Tank Diameter: 380 mm

Available in:110, 165, 220,270,300,400,500 & 600 Ltrs Capacity

Temperature: 65 degree C to 85 degree C

Tank Insulation: PUF 50mm (polyurethane foaming)

Stand frame: Galvanized Power coated

Inner tank material: High-Grade Steel, Enamel steel of 2.5mm With glass lined coating

Outer Tank Material: Galvanized Power coated for PC models and SS-204 Steel for SS odels

Method of Welding: Seam less and Non Welding Technology

Type of Fasteners: Galvanized

Type of Circulation: Thermosyphon

Outer dish: Aluminium with powder coated

Inner dish: 2.5mm

Electrical Back: Up 2 KW/ 3 KW (optional)

Glass Lined System Features

  • 15 years guarantee for tank
  • Suitable for all types of water usage Upto 4000PPM.
  • Inner tank materials – Enamel steel of 2mm & 2.5mm with glass lined coating
  • Outer tank – Powder coated & Stainless steel
  • Inner dish – 2.5mm
  • Outer dish – Aluminum with Powder coated 50mm high quality
  • Insulation – PUF materials
  • Type of collector – ETC
  • Specifications – 58 – 2100
  • Frame angle – 27 Degrees


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