Supreme Solar 270 GL Heavy Glass Lined
The Supreme Solar 270 GL Heavy solar water heater is recognized as a leading choice for tackling hard water issues. It’s perfect for a household of 6 to 7 individuals. This water heater is equipped with a glass lined coating that greatly improves its toughness and longevity. It’s especially reliable when dealing with hard water situations.
The Supreme Solar 270 GL Model is the most cost-effective, premium, high-quality, and affordable solar water heater on the market. The glass lining on the water heater protects the tank from the corrosive impact of hard water.
solar tanks with outer body stainless steel finish.
Supreme Solar 270 GL Heavy
The key feature of Supreme Solar 270 GL Heavy with porcelain or Glasslined is its ability to resist corrosion. Mild steel is utilized across numerous sectors and produces a broad spectrum of products. It offers an economical method to safeguard this and other materials vulnerable to corrosion. Porcelain enamel is capable of creating exceptionally smooth, glossy surfaces in a variety of hues. Unlike paint, which may fade under UV light, these colors remain vibrant. As a result of being a fired ceramic, porcelain is also remarkably resistant to heat. This characteristic allows it to be employed in applications that require high temperatures, where applying an organic anticoagulant coating or galvanization might be impractical or even dangerous (such as Metal fume fever).
SSupreme Solar 270 GL Heavy with Heat pump combo
Heat pump solar water heater give you 24hours hot water regardless of weather conditions. here is a video which we have installed in bangalore.
what are benefits of Glass Lining in Supreme Solar 270 GL Heavy?
· Corrosion Resistance – Glass-lined steel provides superior corrosion resistance to acids, alkalis, water and other chemical solutions(with the exception for hydrofluoric acid and hot concentrated phosphoric acid). As a result of this chemical resistance, glass lining can serve for many years in environments that would quickly render most metal vessels unserviceable.
· Versatility – The chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of glass are proof that this material can handle a diverse range of operating conditions. Users of glass-lined equipment are therefore able to make drastic changes to their process without needing new equipment to do so.
· Purity – Aggressive reaction environments and extractable metals can cause undesirable catalytic effects or fluctuations in process reactions leading to product contamination in unlined steel or alloy reactors. Glass-lined steel is inert so it is impervious to contamination. Additionally, it does not adversely affect flavor or color, which is of extreme importance to food and drug applications where purity is essential.
· Cleanability – Glass-lined steel has been adapted to cGMP requirements for cleaning, cleanliness, and sterilization. Its high degree of surface smoothness makes it easy to clean using non-corrosive, low pressure cleaning systems. The smooth surface of glass-lined steel also resists the buildup of viscous or sticky products, which means less frequent cleaning.
· Durability – The combination of glass and steel provides you with the best of both materials of construction; fusing glass to steel produces a composite material with an inside that offers product protection and an outside that provides structural strength and durability.
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